Vitamins for Carpal Tunnel: Improving Symptoms with Nutrition

The following ingredients have all demonstrated improvement in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome and carpal tunnel symptoms. Understanding the potential of nutrition and supplements in alleviating symptoms and managing chronic inflammation can be pivotal in addressing carpal tunnel syndrome, especially since a diet high in processed foods may exacerbate symptoms by increasing inflammation. Additionally, considering the risk factors associated with carpal tunnel syndrome, such as hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus, rheumatoid arthritis, pregnancy, and vitamin D deficiency, incorporating specific nutritional strategies and addressing deficiencies might mitigate these risks and improve treatment outcomes.

NeuroGen contains all these ingredients and several more, which have demonstrated an ability to decrease nerve pain and improve nerve function. It’s also important to note that NeuroGen also contains these ingredients at therapeutic doses, demonstrating the best results in research studies.

Acetyl L Carnitine

Acetylcarnitine, also known as acetyl-L-carnitine or ALCAR, is a naturally occurring amino acid derivative that plays a crucial role in energy production within the body. It is produced in the liver and kidneys and transports long-chain fatty acids into the mitochondria—the powerhouse of cells—where they can be converted into energy.

In addition to its role in energy production, acetylcarnitine has been found to have neuroprotective properties and may help improve nerve function. It can cross the blood-brain barrier and enter the central nervous system. Once there, it acts as an antioxidant, protecting cells from damage caused by free radicals and reducing inflammation.

Acetyl l carnitine was given to patients diagnosed with mild-moderate carpal tunnel syndrome for 120 days. They were evaluated with a patient-rated questionnaire and nerve conduction studies. There was a significant improvement in nerve function based on nerve studies, a 39% improvement in symptoms, and an 18% improvement in function based on patient-rated questionnaires.(1) Additionally, pyridoxine hydrochloride treatment is another option for managing carpal tunnel syndrome, offering a non-surgical approach to improve symptoms and function.

Alpha lipoic acid for chronic inflammation

Alpha lipoic acid (ALA) is a natural compound that acts as a powerful antioxidant in the body. It is found in every cell and is important in energy production. Studies have shown that ALA has neuroprotective properties, making it beneficial for nerve function. It helps to protect nerve cells from damage and can even help regenerate damaged nerves. Additionally, ALA helps increase levels of glutathione, another important antioxidant in the body, further supporting nerve health. Alpha lipoic acid is a valuable nutrient for improving nerve function and protecting against neurodegenerative diseases.

R-Alpha lipoic acid was used to treat patients with mild-moderate CTS over 60 days.(2) There was a significant improvement in function and pain during the day and night. Alpha lipoic acid has also improved outcomes after carpal tunnel surgery.3 64 patients with carpal tunnel syndrome were given either alpha lipoic acid or a placebo for 40 days after carpal tunnel surgery. There was significantly less pain in the palm (pillar pain) in the alpha lipoic acid group after surgery compared to the placebo group.


Serrapeptase is a proteolytic enzyme used for centuries in traditional medicine to reduce inflammation and pain. It is derived from the bacteria Serratia marcescens, which is found in the digestive tract of silkworms. In recent years, serrapeptase has gained attention for its potential to improve nerve function. This is because it helps break down scar tissue and fibrin, which can impede nerve regeneration and cause numbness or tingling. By reducing inflammation and promoting tissue repair, serrapeptase may help improve nerve function and alleviate neuropathy symptoms.

Serrapeptidase has many benefits, which include decreasing inflammation, and has been used to treat disorders including knee arthritis, orthopedic trauma (sprains), decreased inflammation after oral surgery, and treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome.(4) Serrapeptidase was given to 20 patients with carpal tunnel syndrome for 6 weeks.(5) 65% of the patients showed significant clinical improvement in nerve function based on nerve studies.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a crucial nutrient that plays a key role in maintaining overall health and well-being. It is synthesized by the body when exposed to sunlight or can be obtained through certain foods and supplements. One of its important functions is improving nerve function. Vitamin D aids in producing neurotransmitters responsible for sending signals between nerve cells. It also promotes the growth and development of nerves, ensuring proper communication throughout the nervous system. Additionally, vitamin D has been linked to reducing inflammation in nerves, improving nerve conduction, and protecting against nerve damage.

Studies have demonstrated patients with carpal tunnel syndrome may have insufficient vitamin D levels.(6,7) Other studies have even demonstrated that vitamin D deficiency may cause carpal tunnel syndrome, and the severity of carpal tunnel syndrome is correlated with vitamin D levels.(8) Patients with vitamin D deficiency may experience a range of carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms, including numbness, tingling, and weakness in the hand. Vitamin D has been used to treat patients with carpal tunnel syndrome who also have a vitamin D deficiency, emphasizing a carpal tunnel syndrome-based approach. Addressing vitamin D deficiency helps reduce carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms, improve overall hand function, and reduce inflammation that can exacerbate symptoms. 50 patients with mild-moderate carpal tunnel syndrome were given vitamin D for 3 months, correcting their deficiency from 11.7 ng/mL to 35.48 ng/mL.(9) 44% of the patients had normalized their nerve function based on nerve studies at the end of the study. Another study looked at 42 patients with mild-moderate carpal tunnel syndrome who had their vitamin D deficiency corrected from 13.73 ng/mL to 46.61 ng/mL over 3 months.(10) Improvements in CTS symptoms were significant, with a 40% improvement in pain, 38% improvement in symptoms, and a 25% improvement in function, highlighting the beneficial effects of vitamin D supplementation on reducing CTS symptoms and enhancing hand function.

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6, or pyridoxine, is an essential nutrient that is crucial in maintaining our overall health. One of the many benefits of this vitamin is its ability to alleviate symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. Carpal tunnel syndrome is characterized by pain, numbness, and weakness in the hand and wrist area caused by compression of the median nerve. Studies have shown that vitamin B6 can help reduce inflammation and swelling in the wrist, improving nerve function and decreasing pain. Furthermore, this vitamin has also improved nerve conduction velocity, improved grip strength, and reduced discomfort for individuals suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome. Incorporating foods rich in vitamin B6, such as chicken, fish, bananas, and whole grains, into one's diet or taking supplements can significantly relieve those dealing with this condition. Overall, the benefits of vitamin B6 for carpal tunnel syndrome make it a valuable addition to one's treatment plan for managing this uncomfortable and often debilitating condition.

Several scientific studies have looked into the effectiveness of vitamin B6 in managing CTS symptoms. One study published in the Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery assessed 102 patients with mild to moderate CTS who were randomly assigned to receive either a daily dose of vitamin B6 or a placebo for three months. The results showed that the group receiving vitamin B6 experienced a significant improvement in their symptoms compared to the placebo group.

Another study published in the Journal of Occupational Health examined 36 female office workers with mild CTS who were given either a combination supplement containing vitamin B6 or a placebo for three months. The group taking the supplement reported reduced pain and improved grip strength compared to those taking the placebo.

Combination treatment to treat carpal tunnel syndrome

To effectively treat carpal tunnel syndrome, a combination of treatments is often recommended for the best outcomes. Consulting with a healthcare provider can help determine the most effective combination treatment approach for your specific condition. Several studies have combined various ingredients for further improvement in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome. A group of patients undergoing therapy were evaluated to see if improvement could be enhanced with a supplement including alpha lipoic acid, acetyl l carnitine bromelain, and Vitamin B12.(11) They both had the same therapy, which lasted for 20 days; however, one group also took the supplement for 30 days. They were evaluated at 30 and 60 days after treatment. The group taking the supplement had better nerve function based on nerve studies and better sleep quality. This demonstrated an improvement from non-surgical treatment of carpal tunnel when performing therapy by adding specific ingredients to enhance nerve function. Another study also evaluated the effect of specific ingredients on therapy outcomes for treating carpal tunnel syndrome.(12) Patients were treated with therapy for 1 month, and a separate group was also given alpha lipoic acid, acetyl l carnitine, B vitamins, and curcumin for 1 month. After the first month, both groups demonstrated an improvement; however, after 3 months, only the group that also took the supplement could maintain this improvement, while the therapy-only group could not show any improvement from baseline (before treatment).

In cases where conditions like rheumatoid arthritis complicate carpal tunnel syndrome, the choice of combination treatments may be influenced, as these patients might initially benefit from conservative treatments such as oral medications but may progress to carpal tunnel release surgery if symptoms persist.

Combination treatment has also been used to improve outcomes after carpal tunnel surgery. The combination of alpha lipoic acid, curcumin, and vitamin B12 was given to patients undergoing endoscopic carpal tunnel surgery. They all had the same type of surgery however one group also took the supplement for 3 months before and 3 months after surgery, another group took the supplement for 3 months before surgery only. The group who took the supplement both before and after surgery had the best results with the least amount of symptoms 3 months after surgery.

NeuroGen® research

NeuroGen® contains medical-grade, quality ingredients at the right therapeutic doses needed for best results. NeuroGen® has been studied in 2 separate clinical trials and demonstrated significant improvement after carpal tunnel surgery with less pain and greater improvement in symptoms and function, particularly offering pain relief for the median nerve. The first study evaluated the effect of NeuroGen on palm pain after endoscopic carpal tunnel surgery.(13) A group of patients took NeuroGen® for 5 days before surgery and completed the supplement for 3 weeks after surgery. They were compared to a group who had surgery without the supplement. 53% of patients using NeuroGen did not require pain medications, compared to 35% who did not use the supplement. 46% of patients using NeuroGen were pain-free in the palm after surgery, compared to only 9% who did not use the supplement. These significant improvements in post-operative recovery, including pain relief for the median nerve, allowed patients to resume activities sooner than those without the supplement. Additionally, by potentially reducing inflammation associated with carpal tunnel syndrome, NeuroGen® may help lower the production of pro-inflammatory proteins, such as tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFa), which has been linked to carpal tunnel pain.

A recent study on NeuroGen® demonstrated a significant benefit in patient outcomes using the Boston carpal tunnel questionnaire, a patient-rated outcome measure. The study evaluated symptoms and function based on activity level after surgical carpal tunnel release. One group started taking NeuroGen® 5 days before surgery and completed it in 3 weeks. They were compared to a group who only had surgery (without taking NeuroGen® supplement). There was a 43% greater improvement in symptoms and 88% better function with the NeuroGen® group than the group that had undergone surgery without the supplement.(14)

NeuroGen® contains ingredients demonstrated in more than 400 scientific articles to improve nerve function, specifically targeting the median nerve. NeuroGen® was also formulated to provide these medical-grade ingredients in the therapeutic dose shown by research to provide these significant benefits, including pain relief and improved nerve function. Research conducted at the Fitzmaurice Hand Institute has demonstrated that patients who use this supplement starting 5 days before surgery and continuing for 3 weeks after surgery have significantly greater improvement in recovery, with fewer symptoms, less pain, and greater improvement in function. NeuroGen® can also be continued as an antiaging supplement to maximize cell function as the ingredients decrease the effect of age on critical cell functions such as the mitochondria. Mitochondrial dysfunction is a key component of the aging process, leading to several disorders, including nerve pathology. NeuroGen® also helps to maximize stem cell function and prevent cell senescence which is the process of cells that no longer function properly and instead promote a chronic inflammatory process. By minimizing these effects, NeuroGen® promotes healthy cell function and improves cell survival, providing a solid foundation for any anti-aging regimen.


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